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Online Safety

Parental Controls

One of the best ways to keep children safe online is to use parental controls. Apps, websites and even TV streaming services have parental controls which put you in charge of what children experience online.

Click on the links below for parental controls:

Social Media Guides and age limits

Primary school children are not old enough to use social media for many reasons including bullying and unwanted or unsafe contact with strangers.

Children on social media are often exposed to inappropriate and upsetting content which can affect their mental health. When the police do workshops at schools they tell us that a large number of incidents they deal with involve social media in some way. 

Click the links below for a guide on each social media platform.

Social Media guides, click the links for more info.
Minimum age to use
Instagram facts 13
Facebook facts 13
TikTok facts 13
Snapchat facts 13
Youtube facts 13
Whatsapp facts 16
Twitter / X facts 13
Discord facts 17




Secondary School Safety Information from LGFL:

LGFL Parent Safe Website

We use online safety resources from London Grid for Learning (LGFL), they have a page for parents about online safety called LGFL Parent Safe. The information here is frequently updated and covers a very large range of topics from screen time, online danger trends, reporting concerns and much more.