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Phonics and Early Reading

At RF, we use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme to teach phonics; LW is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. We start teaching phonics in Nursery and continue through KS1, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school. 

Phonics begins in EYFS with a daily session working on the grapheme–phoneme correspondence and blending to read. Daily phonic sessions continue into Year 1 and the Autumn term in Year 2. 

Throughout the phonics programme, progress is tracked and monitored closely to identify children who require ‘keep up’ sessions. These short sessions will be specific to individual needs and will take place throughout the school day. 

In year 1, children sit the national Phonics Screening Check and staff are skilled and experienced in preparing them appropriately for this.  


For children in later years, who may need continued work on their phonics skills, we hold daily Rapid Catch-Up groups.  

Grow the Code: Grow-the-code-sound-mat.pdf 

LW Parent resources: For parents | Letters and Sounds 

PPT from LW: Little-Wandle-Everybody-read-parents-presentation-April-2022-.pptx 

LW Overview: LW Programme-Overview_Reception-and-Year-1.pdf 

Policy:  RF Phonics and Early Reading Policy.docx