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Home Reading

At Rotherfield, guided reading and free choice books are sent home with your child every week, with a task to do linked to their teacher-given book, to help develop their fluency and comprehension. Most importantly of all, in all year groups, we encourage children to be reading at home every day. Sharing a book together with your child gives you the opportunity to escape into another world together. Reading at home will help develop your child’s vocabulary, communication, empathy, imagination and concentration. Whether this is sharing books by reading together or your child beginning to read more independently, we advise that all children read for at least 10 minutes a day. Ideally, 20 minutes a day would be the most beneficial. 


Book Trust top tips for reading at home: Tips for reading with your child | BookTrust 

BBC Bitesize Reading at Home Tips: How to support your child's reading at home - BBC Bitesize